Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Experiment Questions for Plant Unit

Answer these before the experiment!

  1. Do you have any plants at home?
  2. Do you or your parents care for them?
  3. Whad do you think a plant needs to grow?

Answer these EVERYDAY!

  1. What has changed?
  2. What has stayed the same?
  3. What do you think will change tomorrow?

Answer these questions at the end of the experiment!

  1. Which bean grew faster?
  2. Which bean grew slower?

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Blog Letter to the Parents

Dear Parents,

We are now starting a new science unit, What Plants Need to Grow. Your child will be observing three different bean sprouts in the experiments. Then each day your child will weblog their observations and predictions for the next day. They will be developing their writing skills and exploring their interests by sharing their writings and they can revise peer feedback to their observations and predictions. Your child will be posting their weblogs writings to the internet.

A weblog also known as a blog is a type of web page that can be created and easily updated using a web browser. Each entry that is posted by the author can be commented on by their peers.

Mrs. Watson